Eddie Rodriguez

account_circle ABOUT ME

Full Stack Web Developer with a background in finance and accounting. I started with access databases and have now grown into full stack development.

Contact Me || Current Resume || Bio


Javascript HTML5 CSS JQuery Node.js Bootstrap Materialize Heroku Github SQL MongoDB mySQL AJAX Express

library_books LEARNING

D3.js React.js Angular

  • Cryptoverse

    A site built with handle bars and an express database as a welcome for those entering the world of cryptocurrencies
  • MXTP

    A new and old school mixtape mixer that calls to musixmatch API and youtube API for a unique music listening experience.
  • Storefront

    A storefront CLI app built using node. It has a view for customers and a manager. Follow the link for more.
  • LIRI

    A CLI app using node. This is in the vein of a personal assistant that can check tweets, make a request from OMDB and look things up on spotify.
  • Panda Gifs

    An API call to giphy that returns all manner of panda GIFs.

    An RPG game built using javascript that is inspired by LOTR